The O.C.

The Return of the Nana

Seth: I don't believe it, Ryan. Bright Eyes has two albums in the top ten. Ryan: You okay with that? Seth: Yeah I just feel like the rest of the world's finally caught up to me. It's a little bit scary. Ryan: Yeah, it's a lot scary. Seth: Tell me I'm still special. Sandy: You…

The Risky Business

Trey: Just ah, something I picked up in prison. Seth entering: Ah yeah, the old scallion and shiv omelet. I've seen Lockup. Stallone's finest work since Over the Top. Trey: Stallone, huh? Eh, I'm more of a Van Damme fan. Ryan: What, are you kidding me? Segal, man. Seth: Yeah, a divided house can not…

The Blaze of Glory

Seth: I gotta say, last year? Better than this year. [...] Ryan: Maybe it's because last year was new. Ryan: Live in the now, Seth. Seth: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that. Kirsten: He wants to take it beyond gossip and dish. Focus on culture, the local art scene. Sandy: So it's really…

The Mallpisode

Ryan: This thing with Lindsay is... different. Seth: Different how? Ryan: Different as in not fixed by pancakes. And don't ask me how I feel about waffles. Seth: Got it. Seth: This thing with Lindsay is just really kicking Ryan's ass. Summer: Which is why it's a good thing we're like the Marines. Seth: How…

The Test

Seth: Do you not see what's going on here? Ryan: Yes. You're wallowing. Ryan about Seth's obsession with Zach and Summer: No, Seth, you can't ask her. It's weird and it's creepy and it's none of your business. Kirsten: Have you seen Seth? Sandy: Well I've smelled him. Smells like Teen Spirit to me. Julie…

The Lonely Hearts Club

After Kirsten sends roses down the trash compactor Seth: Looks like I'm not the only one at odds with the universe. Summer about her earrings: Do you think these are too bling for a meeting? Julie to Marissa: Are you going to throw your bedroom furniture in the pool now? Sandy: There are days that…