
Law and Order and Final Meals

A few random nuggets from this weekend. First, I was grocery shopping at Lund's and came out to put my groceries in the car. I noticed an SUV parked in a handicapped spot and a policey-looking guy getting out of it. Then I heard a "Good!" coming from the direction of the Salvation Army guy…

Stardust and Channel 23

I was contemplating interesting Minneapolis locations, and it struck me that I work right across the street from one of my favorites: Stardust Bowling. 24 hours, 7 days a week bowling. But they don't have a website. All I could find was James Lilek's overview of the place, and various "Minneapolis Hot Spots" listings. The…

Fear of the cheese is real.

We went for Jucy Lucys at Matt's today. I didn't wait long enough for the molten center to cool and burned my thumb. D'oh. I always forget. I was going to link to their website, but I can't find one. Anyway, they're in the neighborhood. Actually they're in the neighborhood I grew up in. I've been…

I hate Windows. And drivers.

This night has reconfirmed why I hate Windows. My adventure started out simple enough. Mom wanted a memory stick—a little USB peripheral that holds 16 mgs and costs $10 at CompUSA. According to the instructions, it was plug and play and you're all set. Easy peasy. Except when you're running Windows 98 (as mom is),…

To pop or not to pop.

I have gigantic blisters on my heels. They're from a walk around Lake Harriet. I suck. To pop or not to pop, that is the question. I'm trying to find a pin around the apartment and realizing that I don't have one. Shouldn't I have one? Isn't that a normal thing normal people have? There…

Cats hate Nightmare Roommate: A story in two parts

I have so much I've wanted to write about and I keep forgetting. Okay, time to ramble: We had some relatives in town this weekend. And last weekend. And the weekend before. Mom's going nuts with cleaning and entertaining. Anyway, we went out to dinner with a cousin last night. We were ordering a round…

Illegal Websites

Well it finally happened. My first website ever is no longer. The Frank Lloyd Wright site at my university is gone. I can't let it just die like that so I'm gonna post it to my website. But don't tell them. It seemed like it was quite useful to people. I would get emails about…

Embargo this.

I am now in possession of a bottle of Cuban rum—codenamed Bryce—compliments of my favorite embargo-jumper. I've decided cold weather sucks worse than snow. I never thought I'd say it. It's been 20 below for a month straight and I'm sick of it. When it's this cold I lose all desire to do anything other…

Actual Pie!

Well we made the pie for the photo shoot and it turned out great. Unfortunately the client didn't like the use of a store-bought crust, so I had to make the crust from scratch. We're going to finish up tomorrow morning. I haven't made a pie in years. I'm amazed it was edible. The pie…


I'm going to make a pie for work tomorrow (I'll post the recipe when I find it). I haven't made a pie in... well, ever. I'm a little nervous.

I’ll watch anything, apparently.

I watched The Surreal Life last night. Weird show. High(low?)lights: Corey Feldman explaining to Gabrielle from 90210 that he was a vegetarian because he wouldn't kill innocent animals. While wearing leather shoes. Emmanuel Lewis laughing constantly. Like nails on a blackboard. Vince Neill not behaving like a rock star. He was pretty reserved. Half the…

KFC’s in trouble.

I read this article in the New York Times about PETA's boycott of KFC. Which made me giggle in an “I'm five years old” sort of way. So this means that all the PETA members who previously chowed down on greasy chicken wings and biscuits are no longer going to eat there? Boy howdy, that's…

Hair and Eyes

I am thoroughly bored and equally lonely. I took the week off and now am climbing the walls. But on the other hand, it's nice to have some time off, as it's been forever. I've also taken the opportunity to get some errands done. My long hair is disappearing on Friday. I got my eyes…

Dreams are weird. Part 2.

It's 9:47 am in a hotel in Eugene, where I am currently typing this. Waiting for access to the server. I'm on my laptop and bored. Slept horribly last night. I was just falling asleep and something started vibrating the bed and then violently shaking it. I stared at the wall for a minute trying…

There’s no crying and politics.

Where to begin. Ventura appointed Dean Barkley to replace Wellstone until election results are official. Which is actually quite cool. Barkley and Wellstone were friends, if I recall. When they were running against each other in the last senate election they would carpool to debates together. And Barkley seems like a pretty Wellstone-ish guy. And…