Series 10


A Long Time Ago... Rafando (Ivanno Jeremiah): Death is an increasing problem. With over a billion intelligent species active in this galaxy alone, it is an ever greater challenge to know how to kill all of them. On this planet we're proud to serve as executioners to every living thing. The destruction of a Time Lord,…


The Doctor (Peter Capaldi): Space. The final frontier. “Final” because it wants to kill us. Sometimes we forget that. Start taking it all for granted. The suits, the ships, the little bubbles of safety, as they protect us from the void. But the void is always waiting. Ellie (Katie Brayben): I just want to tell you, if…

Thin Ice

On the subject of an elephant and a frozen Thames Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie): Okay, I have questions. {The Doctor goes back in the TARDIS} Bill: You never said we could travel to parallel worlds. The Doctor (Peter Capaldi): Not a parallel world. Bill: But that’s London. The Doctor: Our London. We're on the Thames. The Last Great Frost Fair. 1814. February…


Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie): Oh, that's a mistake. The Doctor (Peter Capaldi): What is? Bill: Well you can't reach the controls from the seats. What's the point in that? Or do you have stretchy arms like Mr. Fantastic? The Doctor: Oh I stand. Like this. {demonstrates} Bill: You never thought of bringing the seats a bit closer? The Doctor: No, not…