Series 3

Day Five

Gwen: There's one thing I always meant to ask Jack. Back in the old days. I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saes the world. Except sometimes, he doesn't. All those times in history, when there was no sign of him, I wanted to know…

Day Four

Jack: 1965, I gave them twelve children. Gwen: You just handed them over and hoped for the best. Alice Carter (Lucy Cohu): I can only assume that you're holding me here as insurance against my father. But let me warn you: if you've angered him, then God help you. Agent Anderson (Liz May Brice): This…

Day Three

Ianto: This is us. This is Torchwood. This is home. Gwen: That alien voice thing said they are arriving today and we are stuck in the back end of beyond. Jack: Yeah, but we're together. The old team. We're down, we're not out, yeah? We've survived worse than this. Gwen: Yeah. Jack: Besides, I don't…

Day Two

EMT: Hold her down! Control said no survivors. Agent Anderson (Liz May Brice): Target One’s eliminated. Two and Three have escaped but we're in pursuit. John Frobisher (Peter Capaldi): What went wrong? Anderson: They got lucky. But they won’t get far. Frobisher: We can’t have witnesses. Call me when you've got them. And make it…