John Mitchell

Series 3

Episode 1 : Lia Blodwen: So it's the three of you, is it? Mitchell: A friend will be joining us. George: Well that's... Yeah, we hope so. It's not definite. Mitchell: No no. She should be here pretty soon. I don't know what's taking her so long. Mitchell: Annie was there. She was on the…

Series 2

Cure and Contagion Mitchell: George why are we doing this? George: Three times. Three times I've been attacked now. Mitchell: We should let them go. {George starts upstairs.} Be careful. George: I think I can handle her. Mitchell: I know her. Be careful. Ivan: Oh, mate, you look awful. Mitchell: You just smacked me in…

Series 1

Flotsam and Jetsam Mitchell: You know, you should be pleased for her. She can be seen by other people now, not just us. She can step out of the house. George: Other people move in somewhere, they get damp. No. They get woodlice. Why do we get Casper the Friendly Ghost? Mitchell: We've been over…