The X-Files Season 1

Deep Throat

1993.09.17    S01E02

David Duchovny  Gillian Anderson  Jerry Hardin  Seth Green

Mulder: Can I buy you a drink?
Scully: It’s two o’clock in the afternoon, Agent Mulder.
Mulder: It’s not stopping the rest of these people.

Scully: What reason would the military have to kidnap their own men?
Mulder: That’s the $64,000 question, Scully.

Deep Throat (Jerry Hardin): Leave this case alone, Agent Mulder.
Mulder: What?
Deep Throat: The military will not tolerate an FBI investigation.
Mulder: Who are you?
Deep Throat: I, ah… can be of help to you. I have a certain interest in your work.
Mulder: How do you know about my work?
Deep Throat: Let’s just say that I’m in a position to know quite a lot of things. Things about our government.
Mulder: Who are you? Who do you work for?
Deep Throat: It’s not important. I came here to give you some valuable advice. You are exposing yourself and Agent Scully to unnecessary risk. I advise you to drop the case.
Mulder: I can’t do that.
Deep Throat: You have much work to do, Agent Mulder. Don’t jeopardize the future of your own efforts.

Scully: Well it can’t be aircraft. Aircraft can’t maneuver like that.

Mulder: Do they look anything like this?
Emil (Seth Green): No. {Mulder looks disappointed} They look exactly like that.

Scully: Mulder did you see their eyes? If I were that stoned—
Mulder: Woo! If you were that stoned what?
Scully: Mulder, you could have shown that kid a picture of a flying hamburger and he would have told you that’s exactly what he saw.

Mulder: You saw exactly what I saw in the sky last night. What do you think they were?
Scully: Just because I can’t explain it doesn’t mean I’m going to believe they’re UFOs.
Mulder: Unidentified Flying Objects. I think that fits the description pretty well. Tell me I’m crazy.
Scully: Mulder, you’re crazy.

Please, step out of the car.
Mulder: You think if maybe we ignore them, they’ll go away?
Please, step out of the car.
Mulder: Guess not.

Emil: Oh man. Did we tell him about the landmines and junk?

Mossinger: You do anything stupid and this situation could get big in a hurry.
Scully: Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

Scully: We don’t know anything. Anything more than when we got here. And that’s what I’m going to write in my field report. Let’s get out of here, Mulder. As fast as we can.

Deep Throat: Your lives may be in danger.
Mulder: Why?
Deep Throat: Well. You’ve seen things that weren’t to be seen. Care and discretion are now imperative.
Mulder: I saw something—
Deep Throat: As I said, I can provide you with information but only so long as it’s in my best interest to do so.
Mulder: What is your interest?
Deep Throat: The truth.
Mulder: I did see something. But it’s gone. They took it from me. They erased it. You have to tell me what it was.
Deep Throat: A military UFO.

Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, why are those like yourself who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on this earth not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?
Mulder: Because all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive.
Deep Throat: Precisely.
Mulder: They’re here, aren’t they.
Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, they’ve been here for a long long time.