Season 1

The Secret

Seth: Do I have a fever? I think I might have a fever and/or the chills. Ryan: Since when? Seth: Since recently. Sandy: So you're not feeling well? Seth: No, I feel fine. coughs. Just my head's a little achy and my stomach's kind of weird. I'm okay. Sandy: C'mere. feels his forehead. Huh. You…

The Perfect Couple

Kirsten on walking in on Ryan and Marissa: It's never happened with Seth. Sandy: You walked in on them? Kirsten: Well at least I knocked. Sandy: I knew it. Ryan and Marissa Cooper. Didn't I tell you! Kirsten: No. Sandy: No. Seth: Oh I get it. I'm just here for the comic relief. Seth: But…

The Heights

Kirsten: You know, I ask you questions in the hopes of illiciting an actual response. Seth: I feel I convey more with a look. Kirsten: You look adorable. Seth: No. Kirsten: Cute? Dope? Rad? Seth: Please! Please! This is so painful. Kirsten: Doesn't Seth look rad? Sandy: Oh, you do look rad. Mad props, son.…

The Rescue

Kirsten: I'm sure she'll apologize. Ryan: You are? Sandy: It's Julie Cooper we're talking about. Seth: My mom's more popular than me. That's a little pathetic, I realize. Dr. Kim (Rosalind Chao): Seth. Always interesting to see you. Dr. Kim: Ryan, you understand that if you did fail you'd lose a year. Not to mention…

The Escape

Seth: The plan is undeniable, Ryan. Ryan: I'm denying it. Seth: We have my mom's Range Rover. We have a perfect alibi as I go to this comic-book convention every year, and we also have my entire life of never doing anything wrong which completely lulls my parents into a false sense of trust. Ryan:…

The Girlfriend

Sandy: Are we worried your dad won't love us if we don't feed him enough? Kirsten: Alright, starting now, no more digs at my dad. Sandy: Oh honey, that wasn't a dig. Seth? Seth: No. When you called him a heartless bastard, that was a dig. Sandy: You sold me out. See they're like puppets…

The Outsider

Seth: Is that a new shirt? Ryan: Yeah. Your mom bought me some new clothes. Which she didn't have to do. Seth: Right. Because we all know you get a lot of mileage out of a tank top. Hey, speaking of which, do you think I could pull off the wife beater? You know, switch…

The Debut

Kirsten: Seth, we need to talk to Ryan. Seth: Okay. If this has to do with the rug, though, I just wanted to tell you that Ryan had nothing to do with it. Kirsten: What about the rug? Seth: I'm gonna go now. Sandy: So Kirsten and I went to Child Services this morning and…

The Gamble

Sandy: We gotta stop meeting like this. Sandy: It's gonna be okay. Ryan: My mom ditched me. I burned your wife's house down. How is this going to be okay? Sandy: Well. I should be off. Gotta find the next kid to jeopardize the community. Maybe a black kid. Or an Asian kid. Kirsten: Where…

The Model Home

Seth: You know what I was thinking? I think that this being your last night and all, we should do something special. I don't know what. Possibly get a couple of tattoos, or some hookers and lose our virginity. Right? Nothing. Okay, dude, I don't know. There's a shark movie at the IMAX if that's…

The Pilot

Sandy Cohen: Ryan. Sandy Cohen. The court's appointed me your public defender. Ryan just looks at him suspiciously. You could do worse. Sandy: Have you given any thought at all to your future? Dude, I'm on your side. C'mon, help me out here. This— Ryan Atwood: Modern medicine is advancing to the point where the…