Jay Brazeau

Double Jeopardy

Carter: Mission time's approaching eight hours. What are we going to do? Jackson: Well we can't tell them the truth. Darian: I do not understand. O'Neill: I know how you feel. Darian: There are two of you? O'Neill: Ah... it's more complicated than that. Cronus: The treaty between the System Lords and the Asgard does…

Tin Man

O'Neill: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your colonel speaking. Welcome to P3X-niner-eight-niner, where it's a balmy... room temperature. O'Neill: Well that sounds ominous. Harlan: Comtraya! Comtraya! O'Neill: Daniel? Jackson: I think that's a greeting. Harlan: Yes. It is. Harlan: You are all such wonderful specimens. to Carter: You in particular. Carter: Colonel. O'Neill: Easy, Captain.…