Ian McNeice

The Wedding of River Song

London 5:02 pm 22nd April, 2011 And it's another beautiful day in London. There are reports of sun spot activity and solar flares causing interference across all radio signals—apologies for that. Londinium Cotide: War of the Roses Enters Second Year Bill Turnbull: So do you think you can top last year's Christmas special? Sian Williams:…

The Pandorica Opens

France 1890 Doctor (Howard Lee): Vincent, can you hear me? Please! Madame Vernet (Chrissie Cotterill): Thought nothing of drinking all around the town. Now the whole neighborhood has to listen to his screaming! Doctor: He's very ill, Madame Vernet. Madame Vernet: Look at this. {shows him the latest painting} Even worse than his usual rubbish.…