Garry Chalk


Vala: It's funny, Daniel always wanted to get into my pants and now I'm in his. Mitchell: Vala, that's not funny. Vala: Hm? Mitchell: He can't defend himself. Vala: I didn't just drop in to say hello. I have something important to tell you. Vala: A man named Tomin had apparently found me lying unconscious in…

Full Alert

Kinsey (Ronny Cox): You want to take down The Trust. I can help you. O'Neill: I'm sorry, I must have missed an episode. I thought you guys were working together. O'Neill: Kinsey, please. Spare me the diatribe. They kicked you when you were down and you want revenge. It's as simple as that. Teal'c: Is…

The Tomb

O'Neill: How hard could it be? Jackson: It's a dead language. I doubt anyone's even stood here for three thousands years. Carter: I wouldn't be too sure about that. O'Neill: Whatcha got there? Carter: Empty pack of cigarettes. In Russian. Jackson: If they went through the Gate before everyone at the Russian base was killed…