Being Human

Series 2

Cure and Contagion Annie: Nina, if there's one thing that I've learned about this world is that it doesn't follow logic. We're talking about magic and curses. We're off the map here. Annie: Okay, shut up, I'm going to tell you. I have applied for a job! George: As what? Annie: Well. It's something that…

Series 2

Cure and Contagion Daisy to George: Can I just state for the record? Huge fan. Ivan: Gotta say, in the flesh, very disappointing. {taunting George} Come on. Walkies. Daisy: That whole thing outside with my husband, that was rude. I'll talk to him. Once you get to know us, you'll see we're not really like…

Series 2

Cure and Contagion Nina: I need to show you something. {she rolls up her sleeve.} When he pushed me back I got these. Annie: But he hadn't changed though, had he. Nina: Well... his nails needed clipping. Annie: But he hadn't changed, not completely. Nina: Well he was still George, but— Annie: So you're fine.…

Series 2

Cure and Contagion Mitchell: George why are we doing this? George: Three times. Three times I've been attacked now. Mitchell: We should let them go. {George starts upstairs.} Be careful. George: I think I can handle her. Mitchell: I know her. Be careful. Ivan: Oh, mate, you look awful. Mitchell: You just smacked me in…

Series 2

Cure and Contagion George: I was actually looking forward to this, living with Nina. But I'm not sure even... I mean yeah, yeah, there's moisturizer and there's Tampax in the bathroom but it's not like we're having sex. We watch TV and she's just sitting on the other— I mean if she could see the…

Cure and Contagion

George: I was actually looking forward to this, living with Nina. But I'm not sure even... I mean yeah, yeah, there's moisturizer and there's Tampax in the bathroom but it's not like we're having sex. We watch TV and she's just sitting on the other— I mean if she could see the screen from the…

Bad Moon Rising

Two Years Earlier Annie: It was nothing really. Just a small good deed in the darkness. But fate is always playing a long game. Seth (Dylan Brown): They don't know who we are. Thug: They do. I got here before you arrived and got talking to the owner. His nan's died, and he wanted an…

Where the Wild Things Are

George: We meet people and fall in love. And when we part, they leave marks for us to remember them by. Our lovers sculpt us. They define us. For better or worse. Like a pinball, we slam into them and rebound in a different direction. Propelled by the contact. And after their parting, we might…

Series 1

Flotsam and Jetsam Annie: So, who wants tea? {George groans} What? George Sands (Russell Tovey): You keep making tea. Every surface is covered with mugs of tea and coffee. I go to make myself some tea and I can't! There's no mugs, there's no tea. It's all been made! And you can't even drink it.…

Series 1

Flotsam and Jetsam Annie Sawyer (Lenora Crichlow): Everyone dies... Uh, actually, can I start that again? Everyone deserves a death. I was going to die of old age. That was the plan. Mitchell was going to go down in a blaze of gunfire and glory.... Not cold and alone and shit scared. He didn't think…

Series 1

Flotsam and Jetsam Seth about the patient: What blood type is he anyway? {he checks the chart} A positive. Hm. A bit Jacob's Creek-y for me, but there you go. Mitchell: What happened exactly? If you don't mind my asking? Owen: Um.. we'd literally just moved in. I mean we were still living out of…