Daniel Radcliffe

Season 25

Homerland 25 years and they can't come up with a new punishment? Carl: Man I love conventions. Lenny: Yeah, they're the perfect combination of work and binge drinking. Marge: Dear Christian God— Lisa: Hey! Marge: Sorry. Lisa: Bart, why is the dad I always wished for creeping me out? Bart: I don't know. Because you're…

Season 22

Elementary School Musical When I slept in class it was not to help Leo DiCaprio Homer: It's 4am. You kids should have been in bed a half hour ago. Kent Brockman: And now to comment on joining the ranks of Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Desmond Tutu, here's the man who always parks in my…

Treehouse of Horror

Treehouse of Horror Marge: Hello, everyone. You know, Halloween is a very strange holiday. Personally, I don't understand it. Kids worshipping ghosts, pretending to be devils. Things on TV that are completely inappropriate for young viewers. Things like the following half-hour! Nothing seems to bother my kids, but tonight's show—which I totally wash my hands…

Celebrity Guests

Season 1 Homer: Is that a good siren? Am I approved? Cowboy Bob (A. Brooks): You ever known a siren to be good? No, Mr. Simpson, it's not. It's a bad siren. That's the computer in case I went blind telling me, "Sell the vehicle to this fellah and you're out of business." Cowboy Bob:…